Ballet Academy
Levels 1 - 7
Children ages 8-18 enter the Student Division by audition. Classes are taught using classical principles from French, American, and Russian technique and styles. Students are instructed in classical terminology, classroom etiquette, attire, wellness, injury prevention, nutrition, ballet history, career paths, and ballet conditioning to fully round out the dancer. There is a focus on stretch/strength, artistry, music, technique and spacial awareness. Dancers confidently learn to work with strong ethics and use this as a platform to grow into the Classical Ballet Training Program. Each student will be evaluated by instructors at the beginning and end of each year and will spend a minimum of two years in each level before advancing. Students in the Ballet Academy have at least two performance opportunities each year.
The required classes for each level are listed below. Dancers have the option of taking more than what is required.

Class Requirements
Ballet 1
1 technique class per week
+ optional elective(s)
Ballet 2
2 technique classes per week
+ optional elective(s)
Ballet 3 - 4
2 technique classes per week,
Pre-Pointe class, + optional elective(s)
Ballet 5
2 technique classes per week,
Pointe class, + optional elective(s)
Ballet 6 - 7
3 technique classes per week,
Pointe class, + optional elective(s)

Pre-Pointe may be taken by dancers meeting the requirements in Ballet 3 and up and taking at least two ballet classes.
The Pre- Pointe class exercises are used to build overall strength, flexibility and proper shape in the feet. We at CBT train the dancers to sew pointe shoe ribbons on shoes and teach pointe shoe history. Proper understanding of the core muscles is required. When dancers are ready for their pointe shoes, they are individually fitted for their shoes by their instructor.
Pointe is recommended for serious ballet students who consider continuing ballet in higher education or as a career. Pointe is for dancers who have at least four years of classical training and have completed the Pre-Pointe class. Dancers will receive permission to advance to the beginning-advanced pointe levels per evaluation and approval from their teacher.